The selection is conducted in two phases:

  • a pre-selection phase, prior to the Workshop, where a maximum of 6 candidates will be selected by a jury;
  • a selection phase of the winner among the 6 candidates through the joint vote, during the Workshop, of a different selected jury (accounting for the weight of 60% on total score) and a popular jury (accounting for the weight of 40% on total score).
  • The pre-selection jury will be composed of 5 members: 2 professors drawn by lot from among the coordinators/delegates of the Universities that have not submitted applications, and 3 representatives of Cluster Agrifood Nazionale CL.A.N.
  • The materials must be sent by e-mail to the Organizing Committee no later than June 20th, 2024 (the date of receipt of the e-mail will be considered); then, the selected jury will complete the evaluation by July 26st, 2024.
  • Each member of the jury will have 100 points, equally divided between the written text and the video in English (duration 3 minutes). The originality, innovation and transferability of the research results and the video presentation will be evaluated. The 6 doctoral students with the highest score will be selected.
  • The 6 PhD students will present their oral contribution in the plenary session during the Workshop, followed by the video prepared for the pre-selection.
  • The selected jury is composed of 5 members: 1 (President or Secretary) of the National Coordination Committee of the Research Doctorates, 2 Cluster Agrifood Nazionale CL.A.N delegates and 2 Presidents/delegates of the scientific societies sponsoring the Workshop (SISTAL and SIMTREA). These members must attend the Workshop on September 20th, 2024. Each member of the jury will have 100 points to evaluate each video.
  • The popular jury comprises of all participants at the Whorkshop.
  • A prize (€ 1000.00; one thousand euro) will be awarded to the doctoral student who has achieved the highest score.